Edition #3
Rio de Janeiro, 2000
Electronic music
with oriental influences
Head on the shoulder!
A place where millions of animals live and die as if they were in a concentration camp
Accept our God
or suffer the consequences!
A request?
No, a right.
Documentary puts in check:
Did Kurt Cobain kill himself or was he murdered?
Advertising video shows how the internet has been shaping young people's behavior
“DKANDLE weaves swirling multi-colored vibrant unearthly soundscapes, blending fuzzy and reverberating Shoegaze textures, mesmerizing Dream Pop meditations, sludgy Grungey tones and moody Post-punk strains, heightened with soul-stirring lyricism and pensive emotive vocalizations”
TAGS: culture, music, rave, videos
The video below was produced by Box 1824, an agency specializing in research and trend mapping across the globe. As the name suggests, young people aged 18 to 24 are their main focus of study. The result is this 10-minute video that explains the characteristics and influences of young people, from the Baby Boomers (1940s and 1950s) and Generation X (1960s and 1970s) up to the Millennials (1980s and 1990s).
What I have to say about this video is that it is very interesting and informative from a cultural study perspective, but it is somewhat stereotypical in certain aspects. It implies that being able to be many things at once is a characteristic unique to Millennials, which is a bit of an empty generalization. I myself am part of Generation X, but like the so-called Millennials, I hate stereotypes, am constantly connected to the internet, work with what I love, and am also many things at once: a zine editor, a guitarist and vocalist in a rock band, a writer, etc. According to their description, I might be more Millennial than X!
Although some from Generation X fit this label (they are the fundamentalists of the "Rockers must only listen to rock, or else they are betraying rock 'n' roll!" type [That's so... 80s, lol]), there are also many people in my age group who are as tech-savvy and free from this kind of ideological policing as the Millennials. Besides, I know many Millennials who are more conservative than my grandmother, idealizing a world without drugs, homogenized and evangelized.
Oh, and the video also forgot to address other topics that are very influential in shaping today's youth culture, such as AIDS and synthetic drugs, for example. So, it isn't exactly as the video presents it. But still, it is quite valid for giving an overview of the topic (which is why I am publishing it here in the zine ;). Check it out!
What is the best generation of all?
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previous page: KURT & COURTNEY
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No, a right.
Why we live in the best musical era ever
This is Oliviero Toscani's recipe for a better world
Advertising video explores youth behavior shaped by the internet