Edition #15
Lisbon, 2011
“DKANDLE weaves swirling multi-colored vibrant unearthly soundscapes, blending fuzzy and reverberating Shoegaze textures, mesmerizing Dream Pop meditations, sludgy Grungey tones and moody Post-punk strains, heightened with soul-stirring lyricism and pensive emotive vocalizations”

Archbishop Angelo Amato, the second-highest doctrinal authority in the Vatican, declared that homosexual unions are evil because they are a "law contrary to the nature of the human being." He also attacked the press, saying that newspapers and TV news sometimes resemble a "perverse film about evil," and accused the media of manipulating terms to "hide the tragic reality of the facts."
Well, what about the celibacy imposed on priests and bishops of the Catholic Church? Do they call that "natural"? Forcing someone to abstain from sexual relations for their entire life—isn't that a "law contrary to the nature of the human being"?
If God is Love, then to love is a divine act. Therefore, two people of the same sex who love each other are manifesting a divine will.
Of course, to understand and accept this, you must completely rid yourself of all kinds of prejudice and religious dogma, such as Christian dogma, which claims that homosexuality is unnatural. But how can it be unnatural if it is a condition imposed by the same Creator who made everyone, whether heterosexual or homosexual? No one chooses to be homosexual; it is a condition that "comes" with the person, so it is a divine determination (if you believe we were created by a Higher Being, as Christians do). A homosexual who does not accept their condition is creating a strong emotional blockage by going against their nature.
The theory that homosexuality is an aberration stems from a millennia-old prejudice born of a society where the heterosexual man is the standard. However, homosexuality is not unnatural; just look at animals—homosexuality exists among lions, elephants, giraffes, dolphins, birds, and countless other species. Penguins form monogamous pairs that stay together for life. All of this has been proven by recent academic research with photos and footage captured in forests. Are these homosexual animals "depraved perverts?" Did they choose to have a same-sex partner because they were "culturally" led to it, or because it is in their genetics?

"But they are irrational animals, and we are rational humans!" some might argue. But what's at stake here is the fact that we now have scientific evidence that homosexuality is natural, which is why we see it among both irrational animals and rational humans. Nature selects a certain percentage of individuals to be homosexual. Gay animals serve to care for orphaned or rejected offspring of heterosexual parents, who either reject their own offspring or do not have the time or inclination to raise others' puppies.
Christians have always preached that homosexuality is unnatural - Jesus Christ never said anything against homosexuality, mind you - that what is natural is only "man with woman"; that if homosexuality were normal, "God would have created Adam and Steve." Well, the image above might speak better for me… (Now the only thing left for Christians to say is that the lions were "led astray by the Devil," lol).
On the other hand, I have never seen a human being who doesn’t like sex. They say that there are asexual people out there, and I know do they exist, but I assure you they are a very small number...
There is no doubt that sex is something inherent to human beings, and interrupting this energetic flow, preventing a person from having sex—that is indeed a most cruel Anti-Natural Law! No wonder we see so many priests committing pedophilia.
There are hundreds or even thousands of cases of pedophile priests, whether heterosexual or homosexual, but we don't hear about most of these cases. That's because the Church has an enormous capacity to "hide the tragic reality of the facts." When a case of pedophilia is discovered, the Church does everything it can to prevent the story from leaking to the press, transferring the priest to another parish, trying to hush up the case, and in one way or another, preventing the news from being reported in the mainstream media. Only the most outrageous cases reach the newspapers, but the majority do not come to our knowledge.
The Church persists in its stance of imposing celibacy on its priests and being anti-gay and anti-condom, forcing us to live daily with this "perverse film about evil" that we see occurring in the real world, with thousands of cases of child-abusing priests, deeply ingrained prejudice against homosexuals, and a large number of people contracting venereal diseases or experiencing unwanted pregnancies because of the Church.
The law recognizing same-sex relationships in Brazil was only possible because the Supreme Federal Court is composed of very enlightened people, unlike the National Congress, which is full of evangelicals who want to impose their views on everyone. It's extreme selfishness for these people, who consider themselves propagators of Love and Justice in the world, to want everyone else to follow their religious precepts, and if you don't act as they want, sorry, no rights—you are a child of the Devil and deserve to go to Hell.
The Christian "thinking" places man as a miserable being who does not even deserve to live and must feel penitence for his sins, preaching an outright hatred of the pleasures of the senses. This triggers various imbalances in society, because Christians see themselves as God's chosen people who will soon live eternally in beatification in Paradise, without pain, without problems. The Christian doctrine preaches that true happiness is to live like a saint, with various absurd and unnecessary deprivations in life. It is the source of intolerance against differing opinions and prejudice, especially against those who do not conform to the Christian rulebook, like homosexuals, pagans, atheists.
Christians are against homosexual practices due to the legacy of people in the past who wrote against these practices in a so-called Holy Book, namely the Bible—people who were immersed in a patriarchal and sexist society, inheritors of the Greek culture that placed only the Athenian man as worthy of citizenship, relegating everyone else—women, foreigners, slaves—to a subcategory with very limited rights. The difference is that in Greece, homosexuality was not considered a perversion; on the contrary, the relationship between two men was held up as the highest model to be followed, to the point that a woman in a Greek house was not allowed access to the living room without the husband's consent, who reserved that space for himself and his eromenos - his young lover. The married woman was practically a housemaid who could not even go out alone. There was even a well-known case at the time of a man who faced many problems in society because he was in love with his wife. After the rise of the Roman Empire and the suppression of that Greek pederast culture, machismo continued, but for various reasons, heterosexual relationships came to prevail, and the idea arose, derived from Judaism and created by those slaves recently escaped from centuries of subjugation in Egypt, that God, anthropomorphized in a human form, created the first man, Adam, and from his ribs made a being of the weaker sex, the woman, and that they were to form a family and populate the Earth. This little story was taken as fact by these pseudo-spiritualized men, and so the patriarchal model of the sacred family consisting of a man and a woman gained strength, and all smaller models that did not conform to this concept began to face opposition. Since then, the prevailing concept has been of masculinity being superior to femininity. Note that masculinized lesbians do not face as much prejudice as effeminate gay men. The problem is not homosexuality; the problem is the empowerment of femininity; for the status quo, this threat to the patriarchy must be eradicated by any means necessary.
Many men are married simply to keep up appearances, relegating their homosexual sexual practices—which are what they truly enjoy—to marginality, having to frequent places of male prostitution, gay saunas, etc., to satisfy their deepest desires... Hypocrisy became the rule, and on one side, we have married men who secretly maintained homosexual relationships, while on the other side, we have the clergy having to adhere to celibacy, which is nothing more than a political maneuver by the Church to keep its possessions in its hands and not to the descendants of priests and bishops if they were married. It is an indescribable violence to force a person not to have sexual relations for the rest of their life, something completely unnatural... That is why we see so many cases of pedophile priests because they have "numbed their members" against their nature, as if they had blocked a dam, except that life is a constantly flowing river, and eventually, the dam breaks, causing great damage to the lives of those around...
And now comes Archbishop Anuar Battisti, saying that the approval of civil unions between homosexuals in Brazil by the Supreme Court will "destroy the family." What truly destroys the family, Archbishop, is a young gay person committing suicide because the church and society have always told him that his way of being was an abomination (most young people who commit suicide are gays in conflict with their personality). "Destruction of the family" is a child being violated by a pedophile priest and carrying such a trauma for the rest of their life. Meanwhile, these spiritual blind people are taken by millions as God's representatives on Earth. How can someone who propagates hate, full of prejudice, be considered a spiritual leader?
These religious people imagine that going against their precepts is a sign that the world is lost, without understanding that they themselves are the greatest obstacle to humanity's progress.
The most regrettable thing of all is that one of the main commandments of Christians, "Judge not, that ye be not judged," is so ignored by them, who are always pointing fingers at everything that does not follow the Christian rulebook, sending everyone to Hell... And more—they claim to be the propagators of "Love" in the world, but look at a believer: always pointing fingers, always showing their hatred against everything that is not Christian. More lamentable than that is the fact that they are "absolutely certain" that they hold the truth because "the Bible says so." In other words, they have no argument; they only lean on the words of a dogmatic book taken as the word of God, so it is useless to try to make them understand reality. They are so convinced of their truths that trying to make them see the obvious is like throwing pearls before swine...
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