Edition #8
Rio de Janeiro, 2005
Internet, our greatest ally against information manipulation
We interviewed Jenner of Misturinha Podcast
By Bruno Privatti
Timothy Leary's last drug campaign before his death
Castration of actions disguised as spiritual elevation
By Maite Schneider
Broadcast TV networks in contrast to the public financing model exemplified by the BBC

“DKANDLE weaves swirling multi-colored vibrant unearthly soundscapes, blending fuzzy and reverberating Shoegaze textures, mesmerizing Dream Pop meditations, sludgy Grungey tones and moody Post-punk strains, heightened with soul-stirring lyricism and pensive emotive vocalizations”
What is missing from the dictionary?
Comment below

Bruno Privatti
(with collaboration of Denis Kandle)
- Alternative - It'd be kind of a choice option. In our case, it'd be something for those, for example, who don't like pagode or funk carioca. It'd be something more authentic, without commitments to the market. But after Nirvana, everything changed. Now what's alternative? What's mainstream? Is it just a marketing ploy?
- Anarchism - A political theory that advocates the end of the state, government, and laws. Most punk fanzines feature texts on anarchism, in their own style...
- Anime - Japanese animated cartoon. All characters have big eyes because of an artist named Tezuka Osamu. He was a pioneer of Japanese animation and loved Disney and Max Fleischer, paying homage to his idols with characters with huge eyes like Betty Boop's. Most of the time the premise of anime is brilliant, the script is incredible, the animation fantastic. But never at the same time. Either you have only one of these elements or none of them, leaving a poor result on the TV screen.
- Audiozine - A fanzine made in the style of a radio program and distributed on cassette tapes or as files via the internet.
- Crossover - Mixing of musical genres that at first are completely different, such as rap and heavy metal or punk and heavy metal. In Brazil, an example of (scam) crossover was the so-called "forrócore".
- Demo - Short for demonstration. These are the famous tapes usually recorded in shabby studios without much aesthetic and technical care by bands that want to promote their work, and maybe, sign a contract with a major record label and fill their pockets with money. Demos nowadays are losing this demonstration character because many bands are treating them as the final product since record labels don't care about new bands. Some bands are using CD-ROM recorders to release their material.
- DIY - Do It Yourself. The punk motto, which recalls that song by Geraldo Vandré: "Who knows, does the time, doesn't wait for it to happen." Since nothing falls from the sky (see support), zinesters and musicians often have to work hard to release a zine or a demo.
- DJ - Disk Jockey. Until the 1980s, it was just the guy who played music on radios and in discos. Today it is considered an artist and so on, although most are overestimated anyway...
- Editor - The weirdo responsible for a fanzine. They are the editor who writes the articles (or keeps nagging contributors to submit their texts), does the layout, makes copies, distributes, and promotes the fanzine. Some consider themselves very important and start demanding free tickets to shows, demo tapes, and different treatment. People like this dream of making money with fanzines, but most are selfless people who work only out of passion.
- E-zine - Basically, it's an electronic magazine [like Tranzine!]. It can be either an electronic version of Playboy or a fanzine made for the internet. The interesting thing is that many professional magazines and websites, that is, those seeking profit, have many common points with zines. Both in aesthetics and content.
- Fan - These are people who like to hang out with others who are fans of a particular artist, sport, music genre, literary genre, etc. Some fans, dissatisfied with traditional media, have decided to publish material about their objects of desire. Fans usually don't tolerate jokes about their idols.
- Fanzine - Contraction of two words that mean "fan magazine". Anything published on a non-commercial scale, without profit (usually causing a lot of losses for those who edit them), can be considered a fanzine. For some people, a fanzine is just that newsletter from the anarcho-punk movement or poorly made comics imitating Image or manga, but they are wrong.
- Fanzinester - One who makes fanzines. See editor.
- Flyer - Leaflet. Small pieces of paper that serve as promotion/business cards for a fanzine or band. Every self-respecting zinester stuffs their mail with tons of these leaflets. It works like a charm, without a flyer (even electronic), a fanzine will hardly be known.
- Gangsta - Rap style that advocates crime and street gangs. Examples: Snoop Dogg, Tupac Shakur.
- Glam - A rock genre where visual, attitude, and flamboyance were more important than the music. Examples: David Bowie, T-Rex.
- Gothic - Musical genre and lifestyle. In the 80s, they were called darks. Today they experience a rebirth. They come out of their graves at night to dance to the sound of Siouxsie and the Banshees, Bauhaus, and Joy Division in filthy bars (the "root" goths) or in trendy nightclubs (the boutique ones).
- Grunge - Musical style that recycled punk rock emerged in the 80s in the American city of Seattle, disseminated by the indie label Sub Pop. A label that sheltered bands as different from each other as Nirvana, Mudhoney, Pearl Jam, and TAD, among others. Grunge was to blame for the rise of the so-called "alternative" in the world around the 90s. Grunge also defines the attitude and dress style of its followers. It was common to find young people dressed as Canadian lumberjacks in the middle of a Rio de Janeiro summer listening to "Smells Like Teen Spirit". Even today it is possible to find Kurt Cobain's widows, the greatest exponent of grunge, in any Brazilian city, even the smallest ones.
- Guitar band - Almost all bands have guitars, but in this case, guitar bands are those that make a sound similar to My Bloody Valentine. This term is only used in Brazil. Abroad, the most used terms are Shoegaze, Indie, College, and Alternative.
- Headbangers - See metalheads.
- Heavy Metal - This term first appeared in the song "Born To Be Wild" by the American band Steppenwolf. The first band considered heavy metal is Black Sabbath, from the UK. In the beginning, heavy metal was just loud blues with distorted guitars. Over time, the genre evolved and subdivided into subgenres. The latest trend is something called Nu Metal. Fans of this genre are known as metalheads, but they prefer to be called headbangers.
- Hip-hop - Designates an entire youth subculture, created by young African Americans around rap. It grew on the fringes of the media and was recently discovered by the knocked-out Brazilian left. Hip-hop is more popular in Sao Paulo, where a somewhat gangsta sound predominates. But that doesn't mean there aren't people rapping in places as unlikely as Recife, Curitiba, Manaus, and Salvador.
- Hippie - Or hippy. People who do not share the same values and ideas as the rest of society; so as to show they are different, they wear colorful clothes, long hair, and sometimes live in groups. Although they were very popular in the 1960s and 1970s, today they are just a pale shadow of what they used to be. They can be seen in places like Visconde de Mauá (RJ), Sana (RJ), and Arembepe (BA) selling little bracelets and annoying the viewers of Rede Globo's soap opera "Estrela Guia".
- Hoax - A word meaning false, sham. Hoax can be a band that doesn't play their instruments or a band or artist pretending to be something they're not. Examples: Milli Vanilli, Sigue Sigue Sputnik, Tihuana, ATR...
- Indie - From the English "independent". It refers to independent bands, those that manage on their own, without the help of major record labels. It is a term often associated with American and British bands that make a sometimes annoying sound...
- Lo-Fi - It means low fidelity. They are indie bands that record in home studios with cheap equipment and make a pretty cool sound. It's a shame that this lo-fi thing has become a cliché now. Example: Four Track Waltz.
- Mainstream - The way most people think and behave. It refers to mass culture and the media in general. The underground would be just the opposite of this. But what we see out there is that the mainstream has co-opted elements of the underground. And much of the underground dreams of becoming mainstream and getting rich and famous.
- Metalheads - Until 1985, Brazil lived on the sidelines of big rock and pop shows. But even so, there was an audience for this type of music. With the first Rock in Rio, that changed. Cultural magazine journalists were not prepared for this, they wrote pages and pages of nonsense... but the name "metalhead", given to heavy metal fans, stuck... the metalhead dresses in black, wears very tight pants, has long hair, and doesn't like to talk much to non-metalheads.
- Minicomics - Small comic fanzines, in A5 format. Usually printed in black and white, photocopied, and distributed for free.
- Mohawk - That rooster crest-shaped haircut of punks. It's made at the expense of A LOT of coconut soap.
- Mosh - Or stage diving. Every show has a fool who jumps off the stage. That's moshing.
- Neo-Hippie - Young people who weren't even born when Janis Joplin had just died, but still long for things they never saw or experienced. They usually study social sciences or social communication, dance forró, listen to Caetano Veloso, and annoy people with their nonsense. They travel to places like Visconde de Mauá (RJ), Sana (RJ), and Arembepe (BA) where they buy little bracelets from the old-school hippies.
- Pogo - That dance that looks more like a fight (sometimes it actually turns into one) that always happens at punk or heavy metal shows.
- Over-the-top - Every rocker who prefers to prioritize the visual side (or the fuss) over the music. Usually glam rock and hard rock groups, like Poison, Skid Row, Aerosmith, and Guns N' Roses, are considered over-the-top.
- Poser - see fake
- Post-rock - A fancy name for progressive rock. Do you think hipsters would like progressive rock which reminds you of things like Premiata Forneria di Marconi or Yes?
- Punk - A musical, aesthetic, and perhaps political movement born in the United States in the early 1970s, but which took its definitive form in England in the late 1970s. It is also used to define the follower of this movement. Punks are libertarian, anarchist, and they also play rock. They dedicate themselves to fighting fascism, skinheads, other punks who think differently, and sometimes to annoying people. As a friend of mine said: "punk brought rebellion back to rock, but now any poorly played crap is rock".
- Rap - Rhythm and poetry. It is the most popular black music of the 1980s and 1990s. It is characterized by a striking electronic beat, the use of samplers, and endless talk. In São Paulo, a more sluggish and resentful style predominates. In Rio de Janeiro, the sound is more influenced by Miami rap and has lyrics full of mischief.
- Rave - Underground parties that took place in warehouses, farms, abandoned buildings, and strange places in England and the United States in the 1980s. Nowadays, any place that plays electronic music is considered a rave.
- Riot Grrl - It means mess... Nowadays, Riot Girls are in fashion. Those tough girls who go to hardcore shows and stir things up in the front. They are feminists and advocate for the end of the male gender, those dirty guys! I'm with them! Let's beat up men, even me, as long as I can give them a few slaps too, since no one is made of iron... Examples: Toxoplasmosis (RJ), Courtney Love, and Dominatrix (SP).
- Rock - A musical genre created in the 1950s in the USA. It evolved, grew, became a monster with thousands of subdivisions and fans worldwide. Every now and then, its death is declared. Nowadays, even Restart is considered rock.
- Rockers - Musicians or fans of rock. Still a cursed figure in Brazil, considered a potential pervert and stoner.
- RPG - Role-playing Game. A kind of game where participants assume roles such as monsters, thieves, wizards, etc., and are guided by a person called the master. RPG players have a notorious difficulty in relating to humans, especially those of the opposite sex. In extreme cases, they end up becoming occultists of the boutique. Vampire is the most popular RPG nowadays.
- Shoegaze - A type of alternative rock characterized by the use of many guitar effects, with a dense sound (known as wall of sound) and vocals burried in the music. The name shoegaze was born from a derogatory term, coined by a journalist who came up with the name because he noticed that musicians usually played all the time looking at the ground. In fact, they didn't do it because they were gazing at their shoes, but at the various pedals instead. However, the listener community adopted the name and nowadays it no longer has that derogatory connotation. The style emerged in the 1990s with bands like My Bloody Valentine, Ride, and Slowdive, but the explosion of grunge and britpop at the time occupied all the media and shoegaze ended up being relegated to the background back then.
- Skinhead - A young person with a shaved head often associated with acts of violence. An exaggeration by certain people who are shocked by little things. C'mon, skins only beat up blacks, homosexuals, punks, immigrants, or anyone who isn't bald. Occasionally, they release awful records and everyone thinks it's cool... skins emerged in England in the 1960s. They were working-class boys who shaved their heads so they could fight in football stadiums and not be grabbed by opponents. Over time, this profile changed and turned into what we see today. Not all skinheads are fascists, but they end up paying because of the bad reputation of the tribe.
- Straight Edge - A derivation of punk, so to speak. They are people who try to escape the nihilism of punk by conveying a positive message through music, zines, or everyday attitudes. They don't eat meat, don't smoke, don't use drugs, don't drink, and some don't have sex (which is considered sexist). However, extremist individuals maintain a very active sex life, fucking with people's patience.
- Strip - Also called a comic strip. It is a shorter comic, generally published in newspapers and magazines.
- Techno - A genre of music that emerged in the USA in the 1980s. It is characterized by using electronic instruments and more than 130 beats per minute in its songs. It ended up becoming a cliché used by the media to define artists quite different from each other like Moby or Chemical Brothers. Techno ranges from the absolute boredom for dance floors to things that come close to genius. It was sold by some journalists as the redemption of pop music, according to them, whoever doesn't like Techno is old, senile, jerk, prejudiced, and conservative. But it didn't convince anyone... what did they expect by offending people like that? Nowadays, techno has become commonplace, and any rubbish with electronic drums is considered techno, to the dismay of its fans.
- Support - Every fanzine writer cries because they don't have sponsorship. Every band cries because they don't have support, they don't have a place to play, they don't have rock radio, media space, etc. Strange, since they militate in the underground, always talking about "do it yourself" and often claiming to be against society and the government... despite this, some municipal and state governments sponsor events like MADA (Natal, RN) and Abril Pro Rock (Recife, PE). Private companies often only make marketing moves promoting shady and money-grabbing festivals. For these and other reasons, many people don't expect any support, perhaps except for the one offered by mommy and daddy.
- Traitor - Anyone who decides to think differently from the dogmas of the underground. João Gordo, vocalist of the band Ratos de Porão, is the "traitor" par excellence. Traitors suffer from ideological patrol.
- Underground - It means underground, subway, illegal, or secret. It refers to alternative things that do not frequent the media or popular taste. Things like punks, skins, zines, demo labels, garage bands, etc., are underground. It is a fragile and fickle entity. It can end at any moment, especially if a zine publisher issues an unfavorable critique of a band or if a band doesn't let a guy who makes zines enter a show for free. The problem is that here in Brazil, "underground" is more synonymous with "unknown" than "alternative". I mean, it would be a stage in the life of a band or zine, before becoming famous and making real money like "grown-ups".
- Zine - Abbreviation of fanzine.